Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Blog #19

Life: The Book Reflection

1. Go back and read the prompts at the top of the page (the parts that describe the
project). How well does your final draft fully answer the prompt? Which parts of
the prompt are answered well? Which parts could be answered more completely?

In my opinion my final draft answered most of the prompt. Especially when the
prompt said, “Explain one specific genetic engineering concept in depth & detail
for an audience that is educated, but unfamiliar with jargon.” I think that I
went in depth in explain what the morning after pill was and how it works. In
my article I also included cultural, economic, and government contexts. Parts
that could’ve been answered more completely would be the geographical and
historical parts of my topic.

The writing in the final draft... All answers to these questions must include specific
quotes from your writing.

2. What aspects of my final product stand out and stand on their own as examples
of high quality, informative writing? What makes these great?

I think the entire body paragraphs stand out as high quality work in my final
product because I went in depth in explaining the cultural, economic, and
government contexts. And I also explained how it worked and compared it with
another type of pill. It was great because all of the information I included into my
article will give the reader more of an understanding of the morning after pill. An
example of a high quality piece in my article would be, “There are different views
on whether or not it’s considered abortion. The emergency contraceptive called
Ella works by blocking progesterone that interrupts the ovaries from producing
an egg. This also applies to the RU- 486 pill. According to Daniel C. Voc Staff Writer, emergency contraception is controversial because
it poses moral questions that are identical to those raised in the abortion
debate. The public wants more access to EC pills. Teens 17 and older are now
allowed to buy emergency contraceptives without the need of a prescription.
Cecile Richards, the president of Planned Parenthood Federation of America
stated, “Today’s announcement by the F.D.A. is a strong statement to American
women that their health comes before politics” One of the reasons why the FDA
chose to lower the age to 17, giving more teenagers access to get emergency
contraceptives, is because they wanted the rate of teen pregnancy to decrease.”
I considered this context as high quality work was because when I read my article
and I got to that section it sounded like it a context from an article in the news

3. What aspects of my final product could be revised? Why? How could they

I think that the conclusion of my article could be revised because I don’t think
I did well on the conclusion, I think more was needed to be added into the
conclusion. My conclusion was really short, all it had was “This conflict happens
to numerous teens, especially in the United States. Teenagers see this as the last
option. Having access to this pill, may decrease the percentage of teenage girls
getting pregnant. What would you have done if you were Jane? Where will EC
pills be in the future?” I could’ve improved it by adding an interesting quote and
reflecting on my article overall in one paragraph.

4. Which of our class' writing tips were used best in the final product? What makes
these specific sections stand out?

The two class writing tips that I used in best in my final product would be the
loop and concert not pancakes. The loop helped my article because for the
introduction it pulled the readers in and for the conclusion it made the readers
curious. My introduction started off with, “Many teens in the United States have
unprotected sex. One in three teenage girls will get pregnant before they reach
the age of 20. A girl named Jane and her boyfriend Aaron decided to have
unprotected sex, not considering the consequences. What could’ve happened
if she risked the chance of getting pregnant? Did you know pre-ejaculation
is still able to get a woman pregnant? Pre-ejaculation still contains sperm
so it’s still possible for the woman to get pregnant. Because of this, Dr. John
McLean discovered the Emergency Contraceptive (EC) pill in 1966, which led
to the introduction of morning after pill (EC pill) to the States in 1998.” And
as my for my conclusion it ended with, “This conflict happens to numerous
teens, especially in the United States. Teenagers see this as the last option.
Having access to this pill, may decrease the percentage of teenage girls getting
pregnant. What would you have done if you were Jane? Where will EC pills
be in the future?” For the concert not pancakes writing tip, I used it to be really
organized. I used it with my outline and for my article as well. I organized each
section of my writing.

Self assessment...
5. Overall, this final draft deserves ___ out of 50 points, when judged purely on it's
own as a high quality, informative piece of writing, because...

I think overall this final draft deserves a 45 out of 50 points because as a student
who created an article, I think I did pretty well on it. My article seemed like an
article that I’d read in a news paper. And I also had my article critiqued several
times for my final product to become even better than it already was. My peers
also helped me out with what else I needed to add into my article and their advice
helped me a lot. When I read the first draft of my final product there were some
grammar errors and what not, but now that I read my actual final product that I
have edited many times it seemed different from what I had before.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Questions on Life: The Book

1. What are you most proud of in your Life: The Book writing? Try to describe this is detail!
 I am most proud of how i researched about my topic which is the morning after pill and from the research I put it all in my own words and created my own article. I am also proud about doing the art part which was a photo that turned out great.

2. What are some changes or new ideas that you have developed in your writing through the course of this semester?
I learned a different way of creating an outline than I usually do, I think for me, it is better to create an outline before I write my essays, I should do it more often because it helped my paper alot.

3. If you had a little more time to work on your writing for Life: The Book, what would you do differently? What would you change about your writing?
If I had more time on my article I would've probably made my conclusion longer, and a bit more interesting. And for my art part, I would've added more contrast to my photo. 

4. How has the additional element of publication in a book affected the way you approach writing?
It has changed the way I approach my writing because since I knew it was going to be published as a book I knew that had to put more effort into my writing and also get it critiqued many times before I got it published.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Blog #17

I think healthcare should be given to everyone. Barrack Obama's system will make the healthcare bankrupt. I think they should give millions of dollars to healthcare like they do to the huge banks in New York. Why can't they do that? Why they making people pay soo much? Healthcare is too expensive for most people to afford. I think that since everyone pays taxes and they're basically paying healthcare we should all be given healthcare. I think its somewhat unfair that the military get's free healthcare and other people don't some people in the U.S. don't have healthcare because it is too costly.
In the articles I read people talk about their opinions and their problems but I've notice that they never talke about their ideas on how to make the economy better because U.S. is in debt. There have been a lot of budget cuts going on. For example I live in Mira Mesa, and 3 months ago I found out there was this little boy who was choking and his parents called the ambulance and fire department which is RIGHT there like 2 minutes away from their home. And the ambulance nor the fire truck couldn't come because of the budget cuts. So the boy ended up dying. I think that was unfair, especially since they lived right next to the fire department. They keep on trying to help our debt by cutting many things off, And I don't think it's helping at all. They need to think of a better way to fix the debts. How is the government helping by doing this? It's not working at all. They need a better way to solve this problem, this problem has been going on for years. U.S. has been in debt since forever.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Blog #16

Reading the articles gave me a different view of the world. Like the saying "you can't always get what you want" because you have to do things in order to get it. You have to go through a lot just to get healthcare, the process is not that easy. There are many people in the U.S. can't afford health care many can't afford health care because of their jobs or how much they get paid. Maybe if they decided to have insurance or health care at a lower, reasonable price people wouldn't have to stress out and worry about not being able to go to the hospital because of their healthcare or how they don't have healthcare. This reminds me of while I was listening to the radio they said that there was this old man who couldnt afford electricity and water bills and he lived alone in the eastcoast and this was during the winter and the company of the electricity and water shut down his electicity and water because he didnt pay it anymore... so one day it was below 0 degrees and the old man was found dead in his house the next morning. This reminded me of healthcare because of how the they let people be if they don't have healthcare, they don't do anything about it if the person doesnt have healthcare so they're basically letting them die. In the first article the author seems like he tells his story like everyone else on how he can't afford healthcare or how it costs too much.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Blog #15

4. Describe the types of health care problems Americans face, and the government's role in seeking solutions.
There are many types of health care in the U.S. for example, Public Health Care: Medicaid, Medicare, Indian care, Tricare ( Military Health Insurance),  Veterans Health Administration, Federal Employees Health Benefits Program, and State Chilldren's Health Insurance Program(SCHIP). Then there's Private Health Care which is, Health savings account, Medical savings account, High-deductible health plan (HDHP), Consumer-driven health care, Health insurance in the United States, Managed care, Preferred provider organization (PPO), Health maintenance organization (HMO),and  Medical underwriting.
Health Care is a problem in the U.S. because of the people's opinions on it. Some people and the price of health care to be lowered because alot of the Americans aren't able to get it because of how pricey it is. And some want to keep it at the same price and fund it is today. Many immigrants find it difficult to get health care because they are afraid to get deported back to where they came from, for that case the illegal immigrants choose not to go to the hospital because they don't have enough money to pay the medical bills. The people who get their health care from the government don't have to pay full price or don't pay their medical bills at all. There are also companies/jobs who give out health care or include health care if you work for the company. There are different types of health care that are categorized for senior citizens who have disabilities, families, and people who work for certain jobs. My family's health care is payed by the government because my dad is in the navy so in that case, we have Tricare insurance. The only thing we have to contribute to would be our dental care. But we don't have to pay that much because my dad is in the navy. After my sister and I turn 18 we won't be able to have Tricare Insurance anymore because we would have our own job and have to pay for our own health care. Only my parents would be able to get Tricare Insurance.

1. A compelling character would be someone who goes through obstacles/conflicts and solves their problems but at the same time goes through other obstacles to get past their problem in the first place.

2. For me, an interesting plot would be like a hill. From the starting point of the hill the character wouldn't have problems but then going up the hill the character has conflicts and reaches the top point which would be the climax, and then going down the hill would be solving the conflicts but still going through obstacles to solve it.

3. I think a specific step authors would need to create a non-jargon based scientific writing would be creating an article that everyone would understand or be able to comprehend. For example, when I read my book Every Patient Tells a Story it tells me in away I would be able to understand and when they use medical words the author explains it in a way somehow everyone would understand.

4. A specific step authors would encourage their reader to connect to the story would be making the character relate to the reader. By showing emotions of the character that can relate the the reader. Or showing it by somehow almost everyone can relate to.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Blog #14

 The stage of life I would like to write about would be adolescences. I'd like to write about what's happened after or when adolescences take the morning after pill. The morning after pill contains female hormones that are called levonorgestrel or progestin that is produced by ovaries. Emergency contraceptive pills prevent ovulation or fertilization. The EC pill prevents the female from becoming pregnant. The EC pill will only take affect if it is after the intercourse, or a couple hours after. 

 The government in Europe recently allowed tv commercials to have abortion commercials/ ads. The Europe government created and atmosphere where it seemed as if the teenagers were allowed to get pregnant.
Another article was about how the they let pharmacists choose whether or not the pharmacy is allowed to have the morning after pills.

On CBS news there were a group of teenagers who have discussed the morning after pill and talking about their opinions on it. Most of the teenagers said that many other teenagers as an emergency pill. A guy from one of the six teens thought that the EC pill was an excuse for guys to have sex with girls. Others said that it was quite dangerous and not fun to take the EC pill because of the side effects. 4 out of 6 teens in the group knew someone who has taken it/ knew what the morning after pill was. 
On the TIME article I read about how people think that the morning after pill is for abortion or how other people thought that it unfertilized the eggs. 

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Blog #12

1. The enviroment of the internship i'd want to be in a hospital building. I'd like to be around doctors, nurses, and many patients.
2. At the hospital I'd like to file papers, type using word, and I think Im pretty good at communicating with little children as patients. I am also good at helping other people in class whenever they need help, for example helping critique other's papers to better their writing. I would see myself at the hospital helping out the nurses with the vital signs and filing papers for the nurses whenever needed. 
3. During my internship I'd like to see how the nurses work and what they do on a daily basis.  Because in the future I want to become a CRNA. It seems really interesting when I see nurses doing the job every time I have to visit the doctors. 

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Blog #10

The reason why Michael Westermen died was because of the misinterpretation of the confederate flag on the his truck. When a group of teenagers saw the confederate flag they chased after him and attacked him because they thought the flag was a symbol for slavery. But I don't think Michael had the flag for that particular reason. I don't think the teenagers didn't take the time to realize why Michael had the flag, I don't think he had the flag for slavery... I think he had it for the trend because all the white people had it in Gutherie. Michael probably was influenced by the other white people. I think the both sides were bad, because Michael had the rebel flag & because the teenagers didn't have the right to shoot the guy. This story was pretty intense, it had alot to do with the Confederate flag and how the white people wanted the "power". There was alot of racism. I think the people were having unnecessary arguments and fights just because of their race.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Blog #9

"Both the Union and Confederate armies forbade the enlistment of women. Women soldiers of the Civil War therefore assumed masculine names, disguised themselves as men, and hid the fact they were female."
The article I read was about how there were many women soldiers during the Civil War, there were roughly about 250 women serving the Confederate army. Not only did they join the army, but then did it in disguise because back then women didn't have many rights. Women weren't allowed to join the army. I thought this article was interesting because now the women have equal rights to men. Back then during the Civil War the women didn't get to/ weren't able to do much because of the fact that they are females. Reading this article makes me wonder how life would be like if us females didn't have the equal amount of rights as the men. 


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Blog #8

This article caught my attention because it is about how the government is removing many websites according/ that has to do with the 1st amendment.

The article I just read was about how the government had a bunch of websites removed by the FBI that had to do with the 1st amendment. "The FBI's role in this was apparently only to request user information about several sites from the ISP under a provision of the criminal code which does not require a warrant. then overreacted and assumed that the FBI would want to seize the entire server and shut down all of the sites in response.
However, based on statements from the operator of he has still not been informed of what type of material was on the target sites or been contacted by the FBI or any other law enforcement group and will not divulge the reasons why his service was shut down."
This article caught my attention because it was unreasonable for the government have the FBI take down blog that was based on the 1st amendment when they didn't take the time to read the blogs. If they had an opinion about the government or about politics they'd remove it. They were basically removing websites just because of the people's opinions and thoughts. 

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Blog #7

1. The writing tips stand out the most because I feel that it has helped my writing alot.

2. I think what's working in this class is the writing tips because they can help make a writing better.

3. I can do my best on my output for my success and I can also keep up and do things early and on time for me to become successful.

4. I can do things early and not procrastinate and turn in all my work and complete them.

5.  My goals for these next few weeks would be to push my self to do a great job and become an even more better writer.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

American Icon

By Nia Gamboa

My mother always told me to never give up. Ever since I was young, she pushed me to try harder in everything I did. My mom went to college for eight years to become a dentist in the Philippines, now she’s currently going to school at LLU to become a dentist here in the U.S. My mom always wanted to best for her kids so she never gave up. She still wants to further her education, so that her children could have a better life.
I remember the time I began middle school and I had a bigger workload compared to elementary. I would stress out, I left the worksheets incomplete and I chose not to turn them in. In middle school, I didn’t take my education seriously, procrastinated, and my grades began to drop and lower. One day my mom told me that I should take school seriously because it is the most powerful thing a person has and it can’t be taken away. She is always a pusher; she pushes me to do my best in everything I do, even if it didn’t have anything to do with school.
Saw my own mom going back to college and making sacrifices for her family, it has inspired me and made me want to go to college. Every time I visit my mom I see her working hard and studying, making the effort to graduate her classes. When I observe her, I notice that she doesn’t give up. When my mom starts something she has to finish it. She cannot leave anything she does incomplete, because for her that’s giving up.
Now that I’m in high school I go by her motto, “Never give up”. When I do my school work I try my greatest at what I do. Sometimes I see myself in my mom’s shoes because when I start something, I feel that I have to finish. If it’s not done I feel like I didn’t make the effort at trying to do good on my own work. Last year when I was working on my TPOL, she told me that I should go beyond what the teachers wanted me to do. I did what I was told, worked hard on my TPOL, the day of my TPOL presentation I passed it. My mom was there watching me, she had faith in me and told me I was able to do anything if I tried.
Her being there for my TPOL gave me the courage and it made me think that I shouldn’t put myself down with negative thoughts, that I wasn’t going to pass. Before I presented my TPOL I assumed that I wasn’t able to pass, I thought that I was going to have to do it over the next day. I didn’t want my mom to watch me because I didn’t want to disappoint her. But then I realized she was the one who gave me the courage to pass it, she showed me how to have confidence in myself.
My mom has showed me that education is important and no matter what I shouldn’t give up. Till this day I am still living up to her motto “Never give up”. In everything I do I tend on not loosing faith in myself. Especially in school, I want to continue & try my best because it’ll lead me to a successful life.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Blog #5

1. On my artist statement I am most proud of the first 2 paragraphs because I believe I went described why she's my american icon on those two paragraphs the most, in the other paragraphs I just told about a time she inspired me.
2. The writing tips that helped me the most with this project would be: characters, make meaning early, quotes, setting, the big idea, emotions, detail, character development, loops, and specifics. Those writing tips helped me because it made my artist statement sound better.
3. The most challenging part of my artist statement would be near the end because I had a difficult time trying to end the artist statement.
4. The most challenging writing tips would be: conflict/resolution, playing with the reader, thesis, annecdote, and illusion. These writing tips were the most challenging because I wasnt able to add them in or use them in my artist statement.
5.  Her being there for my TPOL gave me courage and it made me think that I shouldn’t put myself down thinking that I wasn’t going to pass. Before I presented my TPOL I assumed that I wasn’t going to pass, I thought that I was going to have to do it over the next day. I didn’t want my mom to watch me because I didn’t want to disappoint her. But then I realized she was the one who gave me the courage to pass it, she showed me how to have confidence in myself.
Now I am still living up to her motto “Never give up”. In everything I do I tend on not loosing faith in myself. Especially in school, I want to keep doing my best because I know in the end it’ll lead me to college.
My mom is my American Icon because she has showed me that education is important and no matter what I shouldn’t give up on going to school.
1. How should I end my last paragraph?
2. Should I add anything else, am I missing something?
3. Did it seem straight forward.. or should I go more in depth?

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Blog #4

My mother always told me never give up. Ever since I was young, she always
pushed me to try harder in everything I did. My mom went to college for eight years
to become a dentist in the Philippines, now she’s currently going to college at LLU to
become a dentist here in the U.S. She always wanted to best for her kids, so she
never gave up.
My mom is my American Icon because she has showed me that
education is important and no matter what I shouldn’t give up on going to school.

This is my 2nd draft for my artist statement, I don't think my closing was that great so I am going to change it when I finish typing up my 3rd draft.
I think it ties together my big ideas because it tells the reader who the american icon is and what caused the person to be my american icon.
I hope after the reader reads my artist statement he/she will understand how I live up to my mom's motto.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Blog #3

I plan to talk about how I look up to the person and how that person has a big impact on my life. It would be connected to me because it'll tell the readers how that person is a part of my life. My mother will be my american icon because she always has faith in me and she represents who I am today.

Well there isn't any websites I could do research on because this person is my mom but instead I'm going to found out about facts by interviewing my mom. 

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Blog #2

1. What does this Icon represent to you? Why?
     This icon represents my mom, because she inspires me to do better and succeed in life. My mom was born here but she went to college in the Philippines and she's a dentist there. Now she has the opportunity to become a dentist here because she is currently in college at Loma Linda University. She's been working really hard in life and she always tries her best for her family, my mom never gives up. I love and care for her very much.

2. Who and what was important to this Icon? Why?
      This lady is my mother and what's important to her is education. She thinks education is the most powerful thing anyone can have. She always said that no one can ever take your education away. 

3.  How did this Icon become important to you?
   This Icon has always been important to me, she has always been there for me no matter what. But just recently when she started going to school again I've realized how much she was struggling and putting a lot of effort, sacrificing to get a better job just so that her kids' would have a brighter future.

1. How did this Icon become important in American culture?
   Michael Jackson was a recording artist entertainer, and philanthropist. He was known as the King of Pop. Many people loved his music. His album Thriller was the best selling of all time.

2. How did this Icon become important to you? 
    Michael Jackson became important to me because ever since I was young I've always listened to his music, well my family listened to his music when I was young so I guess you can say I grew up already knowing who Michael Jackson was without having to question it.  

3. What is your favorite song that Michael Jackson sang?
   I don't really have a favorite song from Michael Jackson, I love most of his songs. My favorite album was Thriller.

1. How did this Icon become important to you?
 Angelina Jolie is important to me because I love how she helps children and gives money to charity. I like how she adopted kids before she had kids of her own. I want to be able to help others in need just like how Angelina Jolie has helped many others.

2. What does this Icon represent to you? Why?
This icon represents how she loves to travel and help around the world. She is a woman who is selfless and very giving. 

3. Who and what did this Icon inspire?
This is Angelina Jolie and I think she has inspired many other actors and actresses also other people to help others in need around the world. I think she has inspired people to adopt kids and raise them as their own. 

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Blog #1

  One of my hopes for this junior year would be that the internship I am planning to get will be fun and I hope to be successful during internship. The internship that I am hoping to get this year would be at the Scripps hospital in La Jolla. I want to get my internship there because I want to see how it is to work at the hospital, I've always wanted to work at the hospital to help others. In the future I want to become a CRNA which stands for Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists. Another goal this year would be to become a better writer in humanities class, I feel that when I do my essay they aren't as descriptive as my peer's essays. I want to learn how to create essays that inspire people to write. 

  This year in humanities class I hope to learn how to put more detail in my writings, I want to be more descriptive. I want to be able to accomplish the projects in this class. I want to be proud of my work when I look back at it. I'm also excited to learn more about history, I love learning about historical fact and what has happened in the past. This year my goal is to try my best and put in a lot of effort into every thing that I do. 

  Something I do in my life naturally would be baking, I love to bake on my spare time. Baking releases my stress. When I bake, at that moment my problems disappear and I feel like I don't have to worry and stress over the little things in life. Many people say I am good at baking, I like to bake for my family. I use to bake cakes for special occasions. I think I was naturally born to be able to bake. I've baked and made many desserts... maybe because I have a sweet tooth? Ever since middle school I've been baking. I remember back in 7th grade I had cooking class as my extra curriculum and I had a great time. For the past years I've made many desserts, for example I've made red velvet cake with chocolate chips and cream cheese frosting on top, I've made Almond Leche Flan, Almond Jelly with cocktail fruits, brownies..etc. My favorite one I've made was the Red Velvet cake.