Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Blog #2

1. What does this Icon represent to you? Why?
     This icon represents my mom, because she inspires me to do better and succeed in life. My mom was born here but she went to college in the Philippines and she's a dentist there. Now she has the opportunity to become a dentist here because she is currently in college at Loma Linda University. She's been working really hard in life and she always tries her best for her family, my mom never gives up. I love and care for her very much.

2. Who and what was important to this Icon? Why?
      This lady is my mother and what's important to her is education. She thinks education is the most powerful thing anyone can have. She always said that no one can ever take your education away. 

3.  How did this Icon become important to you?
   This Icon has always been important to me, she has always been there for me no matter what. But just recently when she started going to school again I've realized how much she was struggling and putting a lot of effort, sacrificing to get a better job just so that her kids' would have a brighter future.

1. How did this Icon become important in American culture?
   Michael Jackson was a recording artist entertainer, and philanthropist. He was known as the King of Pop. Many people loved his music. His album Thriller was the best selling of all time.

2. How did this Icon become important to you? 
    Michael Jackson became important to me because ever since I was young I've always listened to his music, well my family listened to his music when I was young so I guess you can say I grew up already knowing who Michael Jackson was without having to question it.  

3. What is your favorite song that Michael Jackson sang?
   I don't really have a favorite song from Michael Jackson, I love most of his songs. My favorite album was Thriller.

1. How did this Icon become important to you?
 Angelina Jolie is important to me because I love how she helps children and gives money to charity. I like how she adopted kids before she had kids of her own. I want to be able to help others in need just like how Angelina Jolie has helped many others.

2. What does this Icon represent to you? Why?
This icon represents how she loves to travel and help around the world. She is a woman who is selfless and very giving. 

3. Who and what did this Icon inspire?
This is Angelina Jolie and I think she has inspired many other actors and actresses also other people to help others in need around the world. I think she has inspired people to adopt kids and raise them as their own. 

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