Thursday, September 16, 2010

American Icon

By Nia Gamboa

My mother always told me to never give up. Ever since I was young, she pushed me to try harder in everything I did. My mom went to college for eight years to become a dentist in the Philippines, now she’s currently going to school at LLU to become a dentist here in the U.S. My mom always wanted to best for her kids so she never gave up. She still wants to further her education, so that her children could have a better life.
I remember the time I began middle school and I had a bigger workload compared to elementary. I would stress out, I left the worksheets incomplete and I chose not to turn them in. In middle school, I didn’t take my education seriously, procrastinated, and my grades began to drop and lower. One day my mom told me that I should take school seriously because it is the most powerful thing a person has and it can’t be taken away. She is always a pusher; she pushes me to do my best in everything I do, even if it didn’t have anything to do with school.
Saw my own mom going back to college and making sacrifices for her family, it has inspired me and made me want to go to college. Every time I visit my mom I see her working hard and studying, making the effort to graduate her classes. When I observe her, I notice that she doesn’t give up. When my mom starts something she has to finish it. She cannot leave anything she does incomplete, because for her that’s giving up.
Now that I’m in high school I go by her motto, “Never give up”. When I do my school work I try my greatest at what I do. Sometimes I see myself in my mom’s shoes because when I start something, I feel that I have to finish. If it’s not done I feel like I didn’t make the effort at trying to do good on my own work. Last year when I was working on my TPOL, she told me that I should go beyond what the teachers wanted me to do. I did what I was told, worked hard on my TPOL, the day of my TPOL presentation I passed it. My mom was there watching me, she had faith in me and told me I was able to do anything if I tried.
Her being there for my TPOL gave me the courage and it made me think that I shouldn’t put myself down with negative thoughts, that I wasn’t going to pass. Before I presented my TPOL I assumed that I wasn’t able to pass, I thought that I was going to have to do it over the next day. I didn’t want my mom to watch me because I didn’t want to disappoint her. But then I realized she was the one who gave me the courage to pass it, she showed me how to have confidence in myself.
My mom has showed me that education is important and no matter what I shouldn’t give up. Till this day I am still living up to her motto “Never give up”. In everything I do I tend on not loosing faith in myself. Especially in school, I want to continue & try my best because it’ll lead me to a successful life.

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