Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Blog #10

The reason why Michael Westermen died was because of the misinterpretation of the confederate flag on the his truck. When a group of teenagers saw the confederate flag they chased after him and attacked him because they thought the flag was a symbol for slavery. But I don't think Michael had the flag for that particular reason. I don't think the teenagers didn't take the time to realize why Michael had the flag, I don't think he had the flag for slavery... I think he had it for the trend because all the white people had it in Gutherie. Michael probably was influenced by the other white people. I think the both sides were bad, because Michael had the rebel flag & because the teenagers didn't have the right to shoot the guy. This story was pretty intense, it had alot to do with the Confederate flag and how the white people wanted the "power". There was alot of racism. I think the people were having unnecessary arguments and fights just because of their race.

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