Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Blog #14

 The stage of life I would like to write about would be adolescences. I'd like to write about what's happened after or when adolescences take the morning after pill. The morning after pill contains female hormones that are called levonorgestrel or progestin that is produced by ovaries. Emergency contraceptive pills prevent ovulation or fertilization. The EC pill prevents the female from becoming pregnant. The EC pill will only take affect if it is after the intercourse, or a couple hours after. 

 The government in Europe recently allowed tv commercials to have abortion commercials/ ads. The Europe government created and atmosphere where it seemed as if the teenagers were allowed to get pregnant.
Another article was about how the they let pharmacists choose whether or not the pharmacy is allowed to have the morning after pills.

On CBS news there were a group of teenagers who have discussed the morning after pill and talking about their opinions on it. Most of the teenagers said that many other teenagers as an emergency pill. A guy from one of the six teens thought that the EC pill was an excuse for guys to have sex with girls. Others said that it was quite dangerous and not fun to take the EC pill because of the side effects. 4 out of 6 teens in the group knew someone who has taken it/ knew what the morning after pill was. 
On the TIME article I read about how people think that the morning after pill is for abortion or how other people thought that it unfertilized the eggs. 

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