Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Blog #19

Life: The Book Reflection

1. Go back and read the prompts at the top of the page (the parts that describe the
project). How well does your final draft fully answer the prompt? Which parts of
the prompt are answered well? Which parts could be answered more completely?

In my opinion my final draft answered most of the prompt. Especially when the
prompt said, “Explain one specific genetic engineering concept in depth & detail
for an audience that is educated, but unfamiliar with jargon.” I think that I
went in depth in explain what the morning after pill was and how it works. In
my article I also included cultural, economic, and government contexts. Parts
that could’ve been answered more completely would be the geographical and
historical parts of my topic.

The writing in the final draft... All answers to these questions must include specific
quotes from your writing.

2. What aspects of my final product stand out and stand on their own as examples
of high quality, informative writing? What makes these great?

I think the entire body paragraphs stand out as high quality work in my final
product because I went in depth in explaining the cultural, economic, and
government contexts. And I also explained how it worked and compared it with
another type of pill. It was great because all of the information I included into my
article will give the reader more of an understanding of the morning after pill. An
example of a high quality piece in my article would be, “There are different views
on whether or not it’s considered abortion. The emergency contraceptive called
Ella works by blocking progesterone that interrupts the ovaries from producing
an egg. This also applies to the RU- 486 pill. According to Daniel C. Voc Staff Writer, emergency contraception is controversial because
it poses moral questions that are identical to those raised in the abortion
debate. The public wants more access to EC pills. Teens 17 and older are now
allowed to buy emergency contraceptives without the need of a prescription.
Cecile Richards, the president of Planned Parenthood Federation of America
stated, “Today’s announcement by the F.D.A. is a strong statement to American
women that their health comes before politics” One of the reasons why the FDA
chose to lower the age to 17, giving more teenagers access to get emergency
contraceptives, is because they wanted the rate of teen pregnancy to decrease.”
I considered this context as high quality work was because when I read my article
and I got to that section it sounded like it a context from an article in the news

3. What aspects of my final product could be revised? Why? How could they

I think that the conclusion of my article could be revised because I don’t think
I did well on the conclusion, I think more was needed to be added into the
conclusion. My conclusion was really short, all it had was “This conflict happens
to numerous teens, especially in the United States. Teenagers see this as the last
option. Having access to this pill, may decrease the percentage of teenage girls
getting pregnant. What would you have done if you were Jane? Where will EC
pills be in the future?” I could’ve improved it by adding an interesting quote and
reflecting on my article overall in one paragraph.

4. Which of our class' writing tips were used best in the final product? What makes
these specific sections stand out?

The two class writing tips that I used in best in my final product would be the
loop and concert not pancakes. The loop helped my article because for the
introduction it pulled the readers in and for the conclusion it made the readers
curious. My introduction started off with, “Many teens in the United States have
unprotected sex. One in three teenage girls will get pregnant before they reach
the age of 20. A girl named Jane and her boyfriend Aaron decided to have
unprotected sex, not considering the consequences. What could’ve happened
if she risked the chance of getting pregnant? Did you know pre-ejaculation
is still able to get a woman pregnant? Pre-ejaculation still contains sperm
so it’s still possible for the woman to get pregnant. Because of this, Dr. John
McLean discovered the Emergency Contraceptive (EC) pill in 1966, which led
to the introduction of morning after pill (EC pill) to the States in 1998.” And
as my for my conclusion it ended with, “This conflict happens to numerous
teens, especially in the United States. Teenagers see this as the last option.
Having access to this pill, may decrease the percentage of teenage girls getting
pregnant. What would you have done if you were Jane? Where will EC pills
be in the future?” For the concert not pancakes writing tip, I used it to be really
organized. I used it with my outline and for my article as well. I organized each
section of my writing.

Self assessment...
5. Overall, this final draft deserves ___ out of 50 points, when judged purely on it's
own as a high quality, informative piece of writing, because...

I think overall this final draft deserves a 45 out of 50 points because as a student
who created an article, I think I did pretty well on it. My article seemed like an
article that I’d read in a news paper. And I also had my article critiqued several
times for my final product to become even better than it already was. My peers
also helped me out with what else I needed to add into my article and their advice
helped me a lot. When I read the first draft of my final product there were some
grammar errors and what not, but now that I read my actual final product that I
have edited many times it seemed different from what I had before.

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