Friday, December 3, 2010

Questions on Life: The Book

1. What are you most proud of in your Life: The Book writing? Try to describe this is detail!
 I am most proud of how i researched about my topic which is the morning after pill and from the research I put it all in my own words and created my own article. I am also proud about doing the art part which was a photo that turned out great.

2. What are some changes or new ideas that you have developed in your writing through the course of this semester?
I learned a different way of creating an outline than I usually do, I think for me, it is better to create an outline before I write my essays, I should do it more often because it helped my paper alot.

3. If you had a little more time to work on your writing for Life: The Book, what would you do differently? What would you change about your writing?
If I had more time on my article I would've probably made my conclusion longer, and a bit more interesting. And for my art part, I would've added more contrast to my photo. 

4. How has the additional element of publication in a book affected the way you approach writing?
It has changed the way I approach my writing because since I knew it was going to be published as a book I knew that had to put more effort into my writing and also get it critiqued many times before I got it published.

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