Monday, May 2, 2011

Semester Deux, Blog Eleven

If I were president and I was in charge of dealing with the Guantanamo Bay issues, I would have to think about the right decision, overlooking the U.S. citizens opinions. I'd be nervous to make the decision in public because then others would disagree. Before I'd give the news out to the public I would tell a speech that explains exactly why I chose the decision. For me, I'd choose to keep the Guantanamo Bay open but to make more strict laws on what you can and can't do to the POWs. I wouldn't want them tortured but I just want them to stay there to keep the U.S. citizens safe as possible.

Semester two, blog twelve

Hello my dear,
What does New York look like? how has it changed? Oh I'm sorry... is your boyfriend and brother in the war? I hope they are doing fine as well as my husband. Yes I am in Virginia for the time being, I currently work at the textile manufacturing industry. It is quite fun because I get to do a lot of work, it helps me not worry so much about our men fighting in the war. How many hours do you work a day? Working for me has also made me very much independent, it shows that women also can do as good as our American men. Do you have any kids? I have two children, it's a bit difficult having to work because I need to leave them at home. I've been sacrificing to leave them at home to put food on our table. Although I don't get paid much, it's still worth a bit of food. I hope this war ends soon. I will pray for this war to end soon and well. As well as the soldiers fighting. Okay take care, be safe. God Bless.


Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Semester 2 Blog 10

While the WW2 was going on, my family was still in the Philippines. My great grandmother told me that when the Japanese invaded the Philippines, many Chinese came to the Philippines to hide. And there was a war between the Chinese and Japanese. While that was going on, my great grandmother had a 
neighbor that was chinese and they were hiding at the time. She told me that since they lived in Orion, Bataan the Japanese people would go through their neighborhood searching every house... she said it was scary and they had no where else to go because back then my family was really poor, they lived in a small wooden house. The japanese would just barge into houses with guns threatening the local filipinos.The chinese's family's son became my great grandmother's husband. Their Chinese last name was Lim but since they migrated from china they chose to change their name to Antonio.  

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

WW2 imagery

Find images of at least three of the following:

WW2 propaganda
WW2 war photography
The "homefront" during WW2 (America)
The Allied powers
The Axis powers

For each image, post the following:

1. The image itself (not a link to it!)
2. The historical info: date, people, photographer, artist, names, etc. The "true story" of the image.
3. What the image tells you—your reaction.

2.Produced by the General Motors Corporation, 1942
NARA Still Picture Branch (NWDNS-44-PA-2314)
3. This image seems like its trying to scare the people and persuading to keep on fighting if they don't want their lives taken about by their enemies, which in here are the Nazi's and the Japanese.

2.An American soldier killed on Omaha Beach. 6 June 1944.
3. This picture seemed to have alot of emotion, knowing that most soldiers were young about 18+  and it was sad to see that their lives ended this way. Most of the soldiers just graduated from high school when they joined the military.

2. CAPTURED FOURTEEN-YEAR-OLD BOYS who were members of the "Air Guard."
On 28 March First Army troops were closing up along the upper Lahn River. Infantry divisions
quickly followed the armored spearheads to mop up enemy pockets of bypassed troops and to
clear the areas which had been taken in the rapid advances. In six days the shallow Remagen
foothold had been expanded to a lodgement area sixty-five miles deep. The advance to Kassel continued.

3. Seeing this picture made me realize how young the soldiers were, I never knew that there were
Younger boys, younger than 18. It seems like they were forced to be in the army rather than having
a choice. Even if they did have a choice, boys wouldn't choose to be in the army at that age because
they'd rather play and be rough as little boys usually are.

Semester 2 Blog 8

Choose one of the following (or check them both out):

1. What stands out to you most in this interview?
How the NPR explained what happened to KV during the WWll. 
2. What experiences led Vonnegut to write Slaughterhouse Five?
The experiences he had during the WWll, because it was such a huge massacre he felt he had to write about it.
3. Prior to reading Slaughterhouse Five, what would you like to ask KV?
Do you think it would've been different if the adults fought in this war?

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Semester 2, blog 6

Link to three outstanding Ampersand article pitches that you have seen on other students' blogs.

What makes each one stand out to you? What makes you believe these pitches would lead to great articles? Write a paragraph for each.
I liked the first pitch because it made me think about how some people actually wear clothes that match their emotion. That article pitch seemed really interesting and it made me want to read that pitch when she is finished with it. I think this will lead to a great article because of her topic/pitch.
For this one, I liked the second because it said that the article pitch will be about the mistreat of asians and cinema, how its about prejudice and discrimination. This stood out to me because I'd to read about asians being discriminated.  This would lead to a great article because of the subject of the pitch.
Brandi's first pitch was really interesting and it caught my attention because I was actually thinking bout doing the same thing. She talked about how her first pitch would be communication at your workplace. This will be a good topic to work on because there are many things you could describe about the communication and environment at your internship. A lot of feelings and emotions are able to be described. 

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Semester 2 Blog 5

My three pitches for my article would be to write an article about the environment at work and compare it to the school environment, the next article would be about the people I worked with and how they've treated me differently from what I have expected.And the last would be my mentality before and after my internship.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Semester 2 Blog 4

I liked this article because the author of this article had their own style in their writing. Sometimes there would be words that are all capitalized to emphasize the meaning. And I also liked how she compared being on the actual cruise to being on land, like as if people forgot that they were actually at sea instead of in the city. She/he (the author) explained the cruise and how it's like in every little detail included. This article inspires me because, for me, descriptive writing always pulls me in. When I read a writing, book, article, etc. I want to see detail about the setting because it gives me an image in my head.

This article pulled me in because it was just about one subject. But within that one subject comes many examples of it, and different explanations. It amazed me when the author said it took him six years to edit his column. Even in his own column he had questions that made the reader think; Like the writing tip whats your engine?
This was an interesting article because this person lived his life in a feng shui way. But anyways, this article was engaging because the author of this article wrote about the way this person lived, and he also interview him. It reminded me of my mentor interview. This article inspired me because of his way of writing was layed out.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Semester 2 Blog 3

I liked how it first talked or had an intro about the person that was interviewed; which in here was Kristen Stewart. At the same time I also liked how after the introduction, the interviewer went straight to the questions.  And broke the answers down to paragraphs.
With this interview, it seemed like the person who interviewed her just made her answers into a story? And then at the end added the questions and answers that weren't included into the story... This is what I kind of want to do want to do with my interview. I was thinking about formatting it the way this was formatted. A story with the gathered answers I've received from my mentor. The way this person described it, had a lot of setting and detail.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Semester 2 Blog 2

What have you read lately (say, since last semester), that you found interesting?
Why did it catch your attention?

The book I just read recently was Every Patient Tells a Story by Lisa Sanders, M.D.
It was really interesting because every chapter was a different story about patients that has unknown diseases. Some of the stories would be a bit depressing because some of the doctors wouldn't get the chance to cure the patients in time. It caught my attention because I like to learn things about patients and illnesses, it keeps me curious. And probably because the fact that I want to become a CRNA which is in the medical field, so I guess that's why I like reading this book because it has many medical mysteries that people rarely get. 

Monday, January 31, 2011

Second Semester, Blog one

What are the big ideas that you are taking from internship into the next steps in your life?
 The big ideas that I will most definitely take into my next step in life would be what my mentor, Jeff once said, "working while your working" Which basically means multitasking. While something else of your product is working then don't just wait around, work and do something else at the same time rather than wasting those minutes doing nothing. I could use this in college and also in my future career. 

What are your plans for the coming semester?
My plans for this semester is to hopefully try my best in history especially because last semester I feel that I didn't work hard in history, I think I was more focused on english more than history during last semester. My plans are to take history more seriously. 

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Last week of Internship

7. How do you feel about returning back to classes next week? Do you anticipate a different experience of school now that you have been immersed in a work place? What are you looking forward to about coming back? What are you going to miss about internship?

Now that internship is over I'm actually a bit excited to go back to school. While I was interning at Cups, I noticed how much I wanted to go back to school. I couldn't believe it but I missed doing class work, and being around my friends. Life outside of school is really different now I could see how adults stress out about many things especially work. At Cups I did a lot of physical work and I guess that's what made me miss being in class. Working can be really stressful especially when you have more than 6 hours of work. I guess that is why some adults say that they miss being in high school or just school in general rather than work. When I get back to school I am looking forward to just doing what I usually which is doing group work, warm ups, class discussions. And I'm excited to be in engineering. What I will miss during internship will most likely be the when I got to have more hours of sleep because of what time I had to start and I'll also miss the employees and the work environment at Cups. 

Friday, January 21, 2011

Internship week 3

5. Who benefits from the work that you do at internship? How and/or why?
The people who benefit the work that I do at internship would be the employees who work there and also me, it benefits me because I've learned a lot at working at Cups and it have given me the experience of how i would actually work at a real part time job in the future. It also benefits the employees at Cups because I've helped around for example: making new batters, prepared the cupcakes that were needed to be sold, packed the orders in the front of the house, being a cash register, etc. I've worked all over. I feel like I've worked really hard and did my best interning at Cups. 

8. What are social interactions like in your workplace? Do people spend a lot of time socializing? Are people isolated, doing their own things? Lots of collaboration on work projects? Not much collaboration? How does the social dynamic impact or reflect the organization's work? 
The employees at Cups are very productive and they get their job done but at the same they like to socialize with one another. They do they're own things, except they also like to socialize. It's like them socializing is what energizes them to work. I like that because they are always in a positive mood. 

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

week 1 of internship

1. What are you excited about, nervous about and wondering about?
I am excited about being in a different environment other than school because it will be a new experience for me especially since I've never worked or had a job. I am nervous about making mistakes and not being able to do some of the tasks wrong. I am wondering what I have to do at my internship since I am all new to this. 

7. What are you most surprised by during your first week of internship and why?
I am surprised that they don't treat me like I am younger than them, I like that they treat me like I am equal.
And they really depend on me to do the tasks on my own. I thought that since they knew I am an internship they would have me do simple tasks so that I wouldn't do them incorrectly. 

Friday, January 14, 2011

internship week 2

How has or do you see your internship changing the way you consider that paths your future will take?

How has or do you see your internship changing the way you consider that paths your future will take?
I think that doing my internship hasn't really changed the path of where I want to be at in the future, I mean I love baking but I've realized it isn't much fun when its baking in batches of cupcakes. It is a lot of hard work when making cupcakes at the shop, don't get me wrong I like baking and making the batter but it can be so much work especially a lot of physical work. And in my opinion when you're a chef you have a lot of pressure on you and it may be time consuming. I think it hasn't changed my path in my future because I still want to go to college to become a CRNA (certified registered nurse anthesist). This week I got to work at the front of the house which is like the cash register, it was a bit nerve racking because when there was customers that constantly came in I felt a little rushed. But now I think I'm pretty good at doing the register... This could probably help me in the future for a part time job?

 What is the biggest challenge you faced at your internship?
One of the biggest challenges I faced at my internship would be doing all the physical work. Because everything I do there is in bulk. I remember on my first day they made me take out the trash and it was a huge one too ! I had a hard time I almost tripped. And ever since the first day of internship I feel like my muscles have grown, especially on my right arm because I'm always using that for scooping cupcake batters. There is so much physical work to do at my work place. Yesterday we had to do intentory and the company's order came in for the other ingredients. And there was a huge sack of whole white wheat organic flour and my mentor made me carry that. Honestly my mentor expects a lot out of me and I kind of like that because it makes it a challenge for me to try my best to accomplish it.