Friday, January 21, 2011

Internship week 3

5. Who benefits from the work that you do at internship? How and/or why?
The people who benefit the work that I do at internship would be the employees who work there and also me, it benefits me because I've learned a lot at working at Cups and it have given me the experience of how i would actually work at a real part time job in the future. It also benefits the employees at Cups because I've helped around for example: making new batters, prepared the cupcakes that were needed to be sold, packed the orders in the front of the house, being a cash register, etc. I've worked all over. I feel like I've worked really hard and did my best interning at Cups. 

8. What are social interactions like in your workplace? Do people spend a lot of time socializing? Are people isolated, doing their own things? Lots of collaboration on work projects? Not much collaboration? How does the social dynamic impact or reflect the organization's work? 
The employees at Cups are very productive and they get their job done but at the same they like to socialize with one another. They do they're own things, except they also like to socialize. It's like them socializing is what energizes them to work. I like that because they are always in a positive mood. 

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