Monday, January 31, 2011

Second Semester, Blog one

What are the big ideas that you are taking from internship into the next steps in your life?
 The big ideas that I will most definitely take into my next step in life would be what my mentor, Jeff once said, "working while your working" Which basically means multitasking. While something else of your product is working then don't just wait around, work and do something else at the same time rather than wasting those minutes doing nothing. I could use this in college and also in my future career. 

What are your plans for the coming semester?
My plans for this semester is to hopefully try my best in history especially because last semester I feel that I didn't work hard in history, I think I was more focused on english more than history during last semester. My plans are to take history more seriously. 

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Last week of Internship

7. How do you feel about returning back to classes next week? Do you anticipate a different experience of school now that you have been immersed in a work place? What are you looking forward to about coming back? What are you going to miss about internship?

Now that internship is over I'm actually a bit excited to go back to school. While I was interning at Cups, I noticed how much I wanted to go back to school. I couldn't believe it but I missed doing class work, and being around my friends. Life outside of school is really different now I could see how adults stress out about many things especially work. At Cups I did a lot of physical work and I guess that's what made me miss being in class. Working can be really stressful especially when you have more than 6 hours of work. I guess that is why some adults say that they miss being in high school or just school in general rather than work. When I get back to school I am looking forward to just doing what I usually which is doing group work, warm ups, class discussions. And I'm excited to be in engineering. What I will miss during internship will most likely be the when I got to have more hours of sleep because of what time I had to start and I'll also miss the employees and the work environment at Cups. 

Friday, January 21, 2011

Internship week 3

5. Who benefits from the work that you do at internship? How and/or why?
The people who benefit the work that I do at internship would be the employees who work there and also me, it benefits me because I've learned a lot at working at Cups and it have given me the experience of how i would actually work at a real part time job in the future. It also benefits the employees at Cups because I've helped around for example: making new batters, prepared the cupcakes that were needed to be sold, packed the orders in the front of the house, being a cash register, etc. I've worked all over. I feel like I've worked really hard and did my best interning at Cups. 

8. What are social interactions like in your workplace? Do people spend a lot of time socializing? Are people isolated, doing their own things? Lots of collaboration on work projects? Not much collaboration? How does the social dynamic impact or reflect the organization's work? 
The employees at Cups are very productive and they get their job done but at the same they like to socialize with one another. They do they're own things, except they also like to socialize. It's like them socializing is what energizes them to work. I like that because they are always in a positive mood. 

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

week 1 of internship

1. What are you excited about, nervous about and wondering about?
I am excited about being in a different environment other than school because it will be a new experience for me especially since I've never worked or had a job. I am nervous about making mistakes and not being able to do some of the tasks wrong. I am wondering what I have to do at my internship since I am all new to this. 

7. What are you most surprised by during your first week of internship and why?
I am surprised that they don't treat me like I am younger than them, I like that they treat me like I am equal.
And they really depend on me to do the tasks on my own. I thought that since they knew I am an internship they would have me do simple tasks so that I wouldn't do them incorrectly. 

Friday, January 14, 2011

internship week 2

How has or do you see your internship changing the way you consider that paths your future will take?

How has or do you see your internship changing the way you consider that paths your future will take?
I think that doing my internship hasn't really changed the path of where I want to be at in the future, I mean I love baking but I've realized it isn't much fun when its baking in batches of cupcakes. It is a lot of hard work when making cupcakes at the shop, don't get me wrong I like baking and making the batter but it can be so much work especially a lot of physical work. And in my opinion when you're a chef you have a lot of pressure on you and it may be time consuming. I think it hasn't changed my path in my future because I still want to go to college to become a CRNA (certified registered nurse anthesist). This week I got to work at the front of the house which is like the cash register, it was a bit nerve racking because when there was customers that constantly came in I felt a little rushed. But now I think I'm pretty good at doing the register... This could probably help me in the future for a part time job?

 What is the biggest challenge you faced at your internship?
One of the biggest challenges I faced at my internship would be doing all the physical work. Because everything I do there is in bulk. I remember on my first day they made me take out the trash and it was a huge one too ! I had a hard time I almost tripped. And ever since the first day of internship I feel like my muscles have grown, especially on my right arm because I'm always using that for scooping cupcake batters. There is so much physical work to do at my work place. Yesterday we had to do intentory and the company's order came in for the other ingredients. And there was a huge sack of whole white wheat organic flour and my mentor made me carry that. Honestly my mentor expects a lot out of me and I kind of like that because it makes it a challenge for me to try my best to accomplish it.