Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Semester 2 Blog 5

My three pitches for my article would be to write an article about the environment at work and compare it to the school environment, the next article would be about the people I worked with and how they've treated me differently from what I have expected.And the last would be my mentality before and after my internship.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Semester 2 Blog 4


I liked this article because the author of this article had their own style in their writing. Sometimes there would be words that are all capitalized to emphasize the meaning. And I also liked how she compared being on the actual cruise to being on land, like as if people forgot that they were actually at sea instead of in the city. She/he (the author) explained the cruise and how it's like in every little detail included. This article inspires me because, for me, descriptive writing always pulls me in. When I read a writing, book, article, etc. I want to see detail about the setting because it gives me an image in my head.


This article pulled me in because it was just about one subject. But within that one subject comes many examples of it, and different explanations. It amazed me when the author said it took him six years to edit his column. Even in his own column he had questions that made the reader think; Like the writing tip whats your engine? 

This was an interesting article because this person lived his life in a feng shui way. But anyways, this article was engaging because the author of this article wrote about the way this person lived, and he also interview him. It reminded me of my mentor interview. This article inspired me because of his way of writing was layed out.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Semester 2 Blog 3


I liked how it first talked or had an intro about the person that was interviewed; which in here was Kristen Stewart. At the same time I also liked how after the introduction, the interviewer went straight to the questions.  And broke the answers down to paragraphs.

With this interview, it seemed like the person who interviewed her just made her answers into a story? And then at the end added the questions and answers that weren't included into the story... This is what I kind of want to do want to do with my interview. I was thinking about formatting it the way this was formatted. A story with the gathered answers I've received from my mentor. The way this person described it, had a lot of setting and detail.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Semester 2 Blog 2

What have you read lately (say, since last semester), that you found interesting?
Why did it catch your attention?

The book I just read recently was Every Patient Tells a Story by Lisa Sanders, M.D.
It was really interesting because every chapter was a different story about patients that has unknown diseases. Some of the stories would be a bit depressing because some of the doctors wouldn't get the chance to cure the patients in time. It caught my attention because I like to learn things about patients and illnesses, it keeps me curious. And probably because the fact that I want to become a CRNA which is in the medical field, so I guess that's why I like reading this book because it has many medical mysteries that people rarely get.