Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Semester 2 Blog 10

While the WW2 was going on, my family was still in the Philippines. My great grandmother told me that when the Japanese invaded the Philippines, many Chinese came to the Philippines to hide. And there was a war between the Chinese and Japanese. While that was going on, my great grandmother had a 
neighbor that was chinese and they were hiding at the time. She told me that since they lived in Orion, Bataan the Japanese people would go through their neighborhood searching every house... she said it was scary and they had no where else to go because back then my family was really poor, they lived in a small wooden house. The japanese would just barge into houses with guns threatening the local filipinos.The chinese's family's son became my great grandmother's husband. Their Chinese last name was Lim but since they migrated from china they chose to change their name to Antonio.  

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

WW2 imagery

Find images of at least three of the following:

WW2 propaganda
WW2 war photography
The "homefront" during WW2 (America)
The Allied powers
The Axis powers

For each image, post the following:

1. The image itself (not a link to it!)
2. The historical info: date, people, photographer, artist, names, etc. The "true story" of the image.
3. What the image tells you—your reaction.

2.Produced by the General Motors Corporation, 1942
NARA Still Picture Branch (NWDNS-44-PA-2314)
3. This image seems like its trying to scare the people and persuading to keep on fighting if they don't want their lives taken about by their enemies, which in here are the Nazi's and the Japanese.

2.An American soldier killed on Omaha Beach. 6 June 1944.
3. This picture seemed to have alot of emotion, knowing that most soldiers were young about 18+  and it was sad to see that their lives ended this way. Most of the soldiers just graduated from high school when they joined the military.

2. CAPTURED FOURTEEN-YEAR-OLD BOYS who were members of the "Air Guard."
On 28 March First Army troops were closing up along the upper Lahn River. Infantry divisions
quickly followed the armored spearheads to mop up enemy pockets of bypassed troops and to
clear the areas which had been taken in the rapid advances. In six days the shallow Remagen
foothold had been expanded to a lodgement area sixty-five miles deep. The advance to Kassel continued.

3. Seeing this picture made me realize how young the soldiers were, I never knew that there were
Younger boys, younger than 18. It seems like they were forced to be in the army rather than having
a choice. Even if they did have a choice, boys wouldn't choose to be in the army at that age because
they'd rather play and be rough as little boys usually are.

Semester 2 Blog 8

Choose one of the following (or check them both out):

1. What stands out to you most in this interview?
How the NPR explained what happened to KV during the WWll. 
2. What experiences led Vonnegut to write Slaughterhouse Five?
The experiences he had during the WWll, because it was such a huge massacre he felt he had to write about it.
3. Prior to reading Slaughterhouse Five, what would you like to ask KV?
Do you think it would've been different if the adults fought in this war?